Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm just gonna Talk

well lets see... so much has happened since i've came back to school well the top three are Classes

Social Scene

and Mary Kay!

so this semester i enrolled in seventeen courses!! what the heck was i thinking its soo hard but i think i'm going to do well in all my classes the only one that i'm not doing so well in at the moment is French but i thik if i give it a little more time and effort i can ace the class! i'm surprised that I'm getting 100% on my chemistry tests!!! its crazy it makes me feel so smart and when i feel like that i feel invincible like i can understand and do any kind of work i am given lol.

But anyway I also have bowling but thats second semester so i'm really happy about that because that is @ nine o'clock in the morning!!!! i hate early classes that's why i'm in this english class now because my first one was at 8 and i knew that i would not make it to that class that early! cause i stay up til atleast 1 every night i never get that much sleep which sucks. But now i actually love my new english class the teacher is nice and very personable

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well as you all know the inauguration was yesterday! Unfortunately I had class at the time but i ditched class to watch History in the making! I kinda missed some of it cause I didn't get into my room until like 11:30. I caught the middle of his speech and i believe this was what he said "Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. " That caught my interest into looking into the inauguration a little bit more! But unlike everyone else i watched it on HNL and they had all day coverage . So i also caught when the reporter where asking speech expert how they thought President Obama did and most of them said he did great job except for certain things! And in my opinion Obama did a great job on his speech it was uplifting and inspirational. He took a firm stand when it came to patroitism and stated that we as a coutry were the greatest What i found was different about his speech was instead of stating the things he would like to get acccomplished. He actually told the people the things he was going to do and how he would achieve them. He was kinda nervous and stumbled throught the speech on one part but i can't rememer.

But this is the way the speech made me feel. I felt so honored to be living that day to see the first black president. i mean come on we just made HISTORY! Hopefully I'll live long enough to tell my grand kids and kids about it! I'm hoping that it won't be the last minority president because this just shows how our country is advancing and overcoming our past and moving forward and past the racial barriers that once plagued us as a people. I actucally think that Obama iS THE CHANGE that we as a country neede and i hope that he can bring us out of this recession and make America the GREAT country that it once was! And hopefully we can move forward in all walks of life and be come one as a country!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chantel 101

Well to introduce myself my full name is Jacquese Chantel Martin!! And I am one of the most energetic people you'll ever meet. Ok I'm new to this whole blogging thing but i want to make this as interesting as possible so I'm gonna do this in Three Sections: The Good, The Bad,
Now for The Good

I'm a person that enjoys writing so i write stories sometime but i write poetry alot its kinda like my second voice! I also enjoy singing I'm not a great singer but i'm pretty good i like incorporating singing into my poetry. I also enjoy dancing I started ballet at the age of four i learned how to tap dance and tumble. I absolutely loved it I found it to be a release and then all of a sudden my mom took me out of it. When i was about 11 yrs old I was so pissed but i got over it! I started dancing in church and it wasn't all the thrill ballet. But it was still a release so i took solace in it and did well in it and then i stopped doing that at 17.. But then started again its kinda on and off these days. Another interesting fact is i have 4 best friends and they are all my sisters!!! I love my family so much they make life barable for me! I also like working in groups i think it makes everything easier. But college proved that i was wrong things can be very difficult in groups.I'm a good Leader so that make's it all the more better. But that's enough of the good!

Now The bad :-(
I really don't have much bad.. well i do i just don't want to share it all. I'm not that good at relationships. I hate when people yell at me it really gets me heated. I can sometimes think that my opnion is the best and not want to listen to other people's input. And sometimes I can be shallow and i feel really bad afterwards but hey thats life i guess.

Well that's all about me!