Friday, February 27, 2009


Ok so here goes a few tips to keep you prospective RedBirds from tipping off the EDGE! 

1. Be open
My reason for saying this is because who ever you were in high school willnot matter once you get here. Its like another chance to evovle yourself into anything and anyone you would like to be. But you have to be open to the change and new people. Because the people here have no knowledge of who you are and what you are capable of. So coming here is like a fresh slate to become more of less of a person. When i got here i was really lost i didn't know who i would talk to but i knew that i had to come out of my shell and be able to speak to people. Becuase thats the only way i was going to meet new people and because i was open i'm very popular now. I know alot of people and that i know of all of them like me!

2. Be careful

Of coaurse college is full of wonderful people but with the good comes the bad. So with that you have to be careful of who you trust and who you let in your room and personal life. Because everyone does not have your best interest at heart. Some people have hidden agendas to do mean things so just be watchful. And don't trust your roommate to protect your things when you leave the room. Be responsible and lock your belongings up so you don't have to go through it blaming someone for stealing your stuff. And don't flaunt your money in front of people be secretive of important things like that. And please don’t tell all these people your business because everyone is not your friend. And they don’t have your best interest at heart. They could want to hurt you so get some real friends you can trust. They are like essential to being here!


3. Do your work

With college comes a whole knew found FREEDOM! And you can either master it or let it get the best of you! In college you are given sufficient time to do your work . so you must you take advantage of it and do what you’re supposed to when you are supposed to 

Friday, February 20, 2009

gOssIP gIrL!!!

Hey my fellow readers i mean if i even have any readers
Well my favorite show is about a bunch of rich prep school boys and girls that come from what the country calls old money which means that they have always been rich! but that’s not my main reason for watching the show because who wants to watch superficial school kids who get any thing they want argue with there parents about not getting there daily $5000 allowance? Well luckily this show is based off way more than that. They have a website that is sort of like face book to us and its called Gossip and anyone can post information about anyone anonymously (I don't even think i spelled that right lol. But that’s the whole juice of the show like its this one girl that narrorates the entire show and she seems to know everything about everyone. So it leaves the viewer wondering who she is and how could she possibly know all this information about everyone. And then the show becomes so twisted like take two of the main characters for example: Serena and Don the hottest couple they have been on and off for sometime and their parents used to date like back in the day. And recently Don's father just found out Serena's mother gave up a son that he was unaware of for adoption in Massachusetts so their two children have a brother in common so that means that they are kind of like committing in sexed seeing that they have had sex together. So then the children find out and as you can imagine this threatens their relationship and that is just one small part of this whole juicy show. There are so many other things that are going on in the show that make it a must see its on it second season so people there is still time you can still watch it and become another gossip girl junkie like me!! It come on the CW at 7 pm on Mondays and the new season starts on march 9, 2009. So go and become intrigued by the greatest show ever GOSSIP GIRL!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I must say the Ad that sticks out the most to me is the Trogan Ad for condoms 
displaying men as PIGS that don't use protection. 
I think it stuck out to me because i was so unconventional. Like pigs are disgusting why would any company want to display them in the same content as their product.
But when you se the bases of what  they are talking about it makes perfect sense. Because alot of guys these dayz try to have sex with out strapping up first and that is just a big NO NO.  i mean there are too many things that you risk by doing so like having a baby getting a STD! and in college or life for that matter neither on of those things are cool. 9

Monday, February 9, 2009

What a wild weekend

Well this entry is actually very late i had forgot all about it. But i have so mcuh to spill about this weekend it was crazy. Well my best-friend T'lisa called me Friday morning and said she was coming to my school for the weekend. can you say OUT OF THE BLUE!!!! MUCH but back to what i was saying that was a surprise . So this had to be the most busiest weekend of my life i didn't even have time to breath as i would say. So i did some hair that took me forever then i ran to go get the two tickeys for the Black Student Union Ball! Which i will say now is a waste of moeny i mean come on i wanted to dance not go to church not that there is anything wrogn with ist . But then we went to my best friend's Kazio's Surprise Birthday party and we had so much fun it was a nice night. But then while i was there my other two best friends called me and said that they were coming to stay the weekend!

Okay lets pause and review

That's three extra girls staying in my room and that just equaled disaster. My room was a mess and i had been cleaning up for like the wholw week and then they came in one day nad messed my whole room up!!! i was so pist and they broke my straightener which is how i make my money!!! i do hair on the side

But back to the story

So then T'lisa came in town first we picked her up and dropped her friend off to catch another bus then we went back to my place and was just chilling then we had to go to my best friend Kazio surprise birthday party. I mean it would have been nice if it really was a surprise but this fool already knew. But it still turned out to be a good time we danced, laughed and most of yall ate! I mean whats a part with out food right? So then it was a Que party after that so after Kazio party we all piled in the cars and went to that party. so the party was hopping and everyone was drunk good thing i don't drink. Cause i already be hyper i neve needed a stimulant to make me feel cool but anyway so my other two friends hadn't made it here yet. So we steady looking out for them so my friends leave me at the party to go and get them and now we all partying together and boy was it SO MUCH FUN! my friends walked in the party and it was like we turned that Boy out everyone was like who are they and I'm like a proud parent saying 
"Those are my friends lol " So all the guys where all over us we were the center of attention! and all my guy friends where like " Hook me up with your fine friend" I don't know why but i just felt so famous that night