Thursday, February 12, 2009


I must say the Ad that sticks out the most to me is the Trogan Ad for condoms 
displaying men as PIGS that don't use protection. 
I think it stuck out to me because i was so unconventional. Like pigs are disgusting why would any company want to display them in the same content as their product.
But when you se the bases of what  they are talking about it makes perfect sense. Because alot of guys these dayz try to have sex with out strapping up first and that is just a big NO NO.  i mean there are too many things that you risk by doing so like having a baby getting a STD! and in college or life for that matter neither on of those things are cool. 9


  1. These ads are hilarious!

  2. I agree, it is weird but like Lauren said, kind of funny at the same time.
