Friday, March 27, 2009

So what i'm not that active...

For this assignment we were supposed to write about a school event that we attended this semester. The sad this about this for me is that i haven't really been to any... And my question is why?

 Maybe because I'm a lazy prick that never leaves my room... but that’s not the case i think i think that i just spend too much time in my room on the computer and chilling with my friends. you know tweaking out and doing stuff that we shouldn't be like slacking laughing when really we should be doing our homework or studying. 

But this entry sort of confused me because I mean I have been to events on campus just not school sponsored events. You know like parties, organization meetings, and other stuff...

Oh i think that i remember something I went to if this even counts as a event it was a reggie night 

You know where we get to bowl for free and do karaoke (if that’s even how you spell it lol ) 

The reason i went was because well I mean it was Free!!!! so why wouldn't I plus all my other friends were going and i had been many times before. And this night in particular there were a lot of people there and the thing i loved about it was it wasn't just black people or white people it was everyone black, white, tan, purple blue! whatever it was a nice mix and people were getting up on the karaoke embarrassing themselves and just having a good time. The bowling part i really didn't care for too much because i sucked and still do even though I’m in bowling class right now just FML!!!!!

But yeah like I was saying I just think that every time me and my friends go to those night we have a good time and let loose all the stress of the week we just laugh and have fun and who could ask for a better time plus there is free food available at the student services center but ppl rarely go get it because its so far away they should make it more convient for the students.. but that’s all hope I stayed on the proposed


Friday, March 20, 2009

Change Is Possible

I don’t know about everyone else but when I got my APA grades I wanted to cry I had 2 D’s !!
No let me repeat that so I’m sure that yall heard me TWO D’s. I was devastated I mean I have a 3.0 and I don’t want to lose it becaue so much is riding on it grants, internships, and going Greek ! I just can’t have anything below I 3.0 and my French class was kicking my ass! Literally I mean I had a D in there ant hings where just not getting better. So I knew what ever I was doing was not good enough and that something had to change for me to see a change in my product. So what I did was made flash cards , did my workbook pages early and reviewed like crazy. And my result is I have a 78 in my French class now and all I had to do was give it a little more effort. Because at first I didn’t think that I was going to be able to finish the school year out and pass the class. It was so difficult and I failed every quiz I was beginning to feel hopeless but I knew I had to snapp out of it. Because I’m smarter than that and I can do it with the encouragement of my family and friends. I looked deep within myself and found the drive to get up off my ass and give the class effort.

Now to get down to my other D in English I mean how hard is it to write I paper right? Wrong I think I have like one of the hardest graders for a teacher. But that’s not a bad thing I think it just pushes me to write better so that I can get a better grade. I had to restart my paper 3 times!! Because I didn’t not understand the assignment and I hated that so what I did was study more read into the assignment more. Then I began to write my paper over and I think honestly this is one of the best papers I have ever written. I got my paper proofread by three different people and I went to ucla for writing assistance. So I know this time I cannot get a D on my packet. Because I put so much work into it I stayed up all night making corrections revising basically doing anything I could to make my paper the best it could possibly be. I’m praying for a B!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Got all the riches and non of the knowledge

So the situation is that I have $80, 000 bucks none of which i can spend on school so you ask what will i do with all of the money
Well i would most likely invest it in the stock market and still some how go to school because without school you are limiting yourself and the knowledge you can attain
But i think that i would probably do hella shopping though because i have a shopping problem already so of that 80, 000 i would most likely spend about, 15,000 on clothes and shoes alone and i know that sounds terrible but knowing myself i would probably do that but i think this money would go in 1 of the 2 ways

1.doing missions work in Africa
I've always had a passion to do something big to help out a mass amount of people in a major way. i'm also a history and discovery channel fanatic so i've watched many documentaries on the horrors that the people of Africa face. It also made me open my eyes to the fact that just because in America people are free it doesn't mean that the world is free. And honestly that just burns me up inside like how can you live life knowing that you are a controlling factor in the part you play to end life. Making life worse for those who are so called beneath you! I just hate that I want to be the person to take a stand against the injustice over there. Because we all should be free and not let the color of our skin define a person within there social standing

2. Living lavishly
I know this is kind of a selfish way to live after getting the money. But I’m a person who likes nice things so if I have it why not live it up while I can. I would travel the world seeing the places I never seen before meeting different people and learning their culture. I mean that would be the most life changing thing for me to travel to exotic country’s to learn of their history and the ways of the people I think that would be most exciting!