Friday, March 27, 2009

So what i'm not that active...

For this assignment we were supposed to write about a school event that we attended this semester. The sad this about this for me is that i haven't really been to any... And my question is why?

 Maybe because I'm a lazy prick that never leaves my room... but that’s not the case i think i think that i just spend too much time in my room on the computer and chilling with my friends. you know tweaking out and doing stuff that we shouldn't be like slacking laughing when really we should be doing our homework or studying. 

But this entry sort of confused me because I mean I have been to events on campus just not school sponsored events. You know like parties, organization meetings, and other stuff...

Oh i think that i remember something I went to if this even counts as a event it was a reggie night 

You know where we get to bowl for free and do karaoke (if that’s even how you spell it lol ) 

The reason i went was because well I mean it was Free!!!! so why wouldn't I plus all my other friends were going and i had been many times before. And this night in particular there were a lot of people there and the thing i loved about it was it wasn't just black people or white people it was everyone black, white, tan, purple blue! whatever it was a nice mix and people were getting up on the karaoke embarrassing themselves and just having a good time. The bowling part i really didn't care for too much because i sucked and still do even though I’m in bowling class right now just FML!!!!!

But yeah like I was saying I just think that every time me and my friends go to those night we have a good time and let loose all the stress of the week we just laugh and have fun and who could ask for a better time plus there is free food available at the student services center but ppl rarely go get it because its so far away they should make it more convient for the students.. but that’s all hope I stayed on the proposed



  1. I never heard about this! It sounds like a ton of fun!

  2. I went to hardly any campus events this year either. My friends and I always seem to hang out outside of campus. Karaoke is always a blast.

  3. I don't think you're alone on that. Unless work counts. My one extracurricular activity takes up my Sundays for practice but that's it. Other than that, I'm not really all that active either.
