Friday, March 20, 2009

Change Is Possible

I don’t know about everyone else but when I got my APA grades I wanted to cry I had 2 D’s !!
No let me repeat that so I’m sure that yall heard me TWO D’s. I was devastated I mean I have a 3.0 and I don’t want to lose it becaue so much is riding on it grants, internships, and going Greek ! I just can’t have anything below I 3.0 and my French class was kicking my ass! Literally I mean I had a D in there ant hings where just not getting better. So I knew what ever I was doing was not good enough and that something had to change for me to see a change in my product. So what I did was made flash cards , did my workbook pages early and reviewed like crazy. And my result is I have a 78 in my French class now and all I had to do was give it a little more effort. Because at first I didn’t think that I was going to be able to finish the school year out and pass the class. It was so difficult and I failed every quiz I was beginning to feel hopeless but I knew I had to snapp out of it. Because I’m smarter than that and I can do it with the encouragement of my family and friends. I looked deep within myself and found the drive to get up off my ass and give the class effort.

Now to get down to my other D in English I mean how hard is it to write I paper right? Wrong I think I have like one of the hardest graders for a teacher. But that’s not a bad thing I think it just pushes me to write better so that I can get a better grade. I had to restart my paper 3 times!! Because I didn’t not understand the assignment and I hated that so what I did was study more read into the assignment more. Then I began to write my paper over and I think honestly this is one of the best papers I have ever written. I got my paper proofread by three different people and I went to ucla for writing assistance. So I know this time I cannot get a D on my packet. Because I put so much work into it I stayed up all night making corrections revising basically doing anything I could to make my paper the best it could possibly be. I’m praying for a B!!


  1. Don't worry, revisions for the final portfolio are coming!

  2. my grades we also not that hot. but don't worry! everything will work out! hopefully.

  3. this semester seemed to be really tough for everyone!
