Friday, April 17, 2009

This is the End

Wow this has been a journey hasn't it..... From January to April..... 
I must be honest and say that at first i really hated doing these blog 
and honestly i'm always late doing them but when i do actually post them 
I think that they are just me ranting about a certain thing
and i really don't see the point of a blog.... Its boring all you can do is write and want people to read it. I'd rather just tell people aloud how i feel about thing. 
I think that poepl should add video to there blogs to make them more interesting and connecting to the audience and it would make people want to visit there blog more often...

But back to the subject This will be the last time I'm writing on here because i could careless about blogging.... so in this entry i'll include my feelings about school and this whole experience

This second semsester was so hard for me...... I've been struggling with my classes the whole time this semester but i think that its because i overloaded on class and really couldn't handle all the work. I mean my french class is the hardest of all my classes . I think the reason that i struggled so much is also because i had bad study habit or lack there of and i wasn't used to actually having to try usually things came to me. But this semester i had to do actual work i couldn't be lazy or i would've failed terribly. and now i'm just getting bad this semester made me come to terms that i'm lazy and things must change if i plan to do the great things i came here to do. and thats the bottom line.... 
So good bye people i hope everyone does good on finals and such so HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcome Normal!

My saying for the town of Normal is "Welcome to Normal where nothing is Normal"

My reason for saying this is because somethings in this town are so topsy tervy! I mean in this close ot rural town parking is like that of Downtown Chicago! Thats so backwards but i think its like that because its also a college town!
so my first piece of advice for my friends is find a safe parking place! Because the police down here are so petty and will quickly write you a ticket! I have a ticket on my account and i don't even own a car! I mean like thats how crazy that can get down here. But i guess that is expected because there's not a high crime rate down here so traffic violations are all the cops have to do outside of drunk college kids, and shutting down frat parties.... They don't have anything else better to do..... Sad isn't it lol

But on to other matters in Normal there is strangly alot here that you can do. Me and my friends like to go to the hookah lounge on thursdays and wind down.... Cause after Wednesday my week gets really slow and easy and that like the best but back to the subject matter. You can also take in all the different restuarants they have to offer They have something that will fit anyones appetite!

Wally World (b.k.a.: WalMart)
I think that this place is like a college students heaven because no matter what the product is they always have it in stock unlike the one back home. and its always open even at the oddest times of the night which means its open for late night tweak sessions! which are the best when you have nothing else better to do with your life.

And last but not least check out ILLINIOS STATE UNIVERSITY!
Its like the best school in the world
Its a comfortable diverse campus and there is so much going on all the time so its kind of hard to
be bored here if its not in the winter time because the weather can be the ickyest!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I need to put Facebook down and pick up a BOOK!

I don't know what to do cause i have problem I can't stop getting on Facebook or the internet for that matter! and it killing me and my grades i mean i'm not failing but i always do things at the last minute because i wasted so much time on the book!!1 intstead of being in a book! I keep telling myself to just delete my facebook page you know just so i can overcome this but i guess i'm too weak to do so. Facebook is entertainment for me cause i'm like a facebook celeb i have like 2000 friends or so.. So theres always something interesting going on in my news feed! and guess there goes my problem maybe i'm too nosey to just know all the business that facebook provides to me on daily and looking at peoples pictures that have nothing to do with me!! 

My addiction is so flippin annoying I know that i'm not the only one that is suffering from social networking addiction!!! So people i ask what do i do when i'm sitting in my room i check my facebook at least ten times within one hour and thats just so out of hand!

Everytime i come back to my room i check my facebook!



When will this turmoil end i mean i think the only way for me to end it is to delete my facebook account...... but there's so much stuff on there that i don't want to lose like my 66 facebook photo albums my poetry, my poetry videos ughhhhhh maybe I’m  just obsessed with being social ..... I think when i say it that way it doesn't sound so bad.... I just know that i need to get ahold of myself and stop letting facebook rule my life. I mean its really killing me and my grades I just want to be able to control myself. But now when I think about it . I’ve had a problem staying off the internet since I was younger but I always got control of myself because Iwe didn’t have internet or a computer at our house for that matter so I guess I just need to distance myself or something just ppl please let me know that I’m not alone.


Friday, March 27, 2009

So what i'm not that active...

For this assignment we were supposed to write about a school event that we attended this semester. The sad this about this for me is that i haven't really been to any... And my question is why?

 Maybe because I'm a lazy prick that never leaves my room... but that’s not the case i think i think that i just spend too much time in my room on the computer and chilling with my friends. you know tweaking out and doing stuff that we shouldn't be like slacking laughing when really we should be doing our homework or studying. 

But this entry sort of confused me because I mean I have been to events on campus just not school sponsored events. You know like parties, organization meetings, and other stuff...

Oh i think that i remember something I went to if this even counts as a event it was a reggie night 

You know where we get to bowl for free and do karaoke (if that’s even how you spell it lol ) 

The reason i went was because well I mean it was Free!!!! so why wouldn't I plus all my other friends were going and i had been many times before. And this night in particular there were a lot of people there and the thing i loved about it was it wasn't just black people or white people it was everyone black, white, tan, purple blue! whatever it was a nice mix and people were getting up on the karaoke embarrassing themselves and just having a good time. The bowling part i really didn't care for too much because i sucked and still do even though I’m in bowling class right now just FML!!!!!

But yeah like I was saying I just think that every time me and my friends go to those night we have a good time and let loose all the stress of the week we just laugh and have fun and who could ask for a better time plus there is free food available at the student services center but ppl rarely go get it because its so far away they should make it more convient for the students.. but that’s all hope I stayed on the proposed


Friday, March 20, 2009

Change Is Possible

I don’t know about everyone else but when I got my APA grades I wanted to cry I had 2 D’s !!
No let me repeat that so I’m sure that yall heard me TWO D’s. I was devastated I mean I have a 3.0 and I don’t want to lose it becaue so much is riding on it grants, internships, and going Greek ! I just can’t have anything below I 3.0 and my French class was kicking my ass! Literally I mean I had a D in there ant hings where just not getting better. So I knew what ever I was doing was not good enough and that something had to change for me to see a change in my product. So what I did was made flash cards , did my workbook pages early and reviewed like crazy. And my result is I have a 78 in my French class now and all I had to do was give it a little more effort. Because at first I didn’t think that I was going to be able to finish the school year out and pass the class. It was so difficult and I failed every quiz I was beginning to feel hopeless but I knew I had to snapp out of it. Because I’m smarter than that and I can do it with the encouragement of my family and friends. I looked deep within myself and found the drive to get up off my ass and give the class effort.

Now to get down to my other D in English I mean how hard is it to write I paper right? Wrong I think I have like one of the hardest graders for a teacher. But that’s not a bad thing I think it just pushes me to write better so that I can get a better grade. I had to restart my paper 3 times!! Because I didn’t not understand the assignment and I hated that so what I did was study more read into the assignment more. Then I began to write my paper over and I think honestly this is one of the best papers I have ever written. I got my paper proofread by three different people and I went to ucla for writing assistance. So I know this time I cannot get a D on my packet. Because I put so much work into it I stayed up all night making corrections revising basically doing anything I could to make my paper the best it could possibly be. I’m praying for a B!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Got all the riches and non of the knowledge

So the situation is that I have $80, 000 bucks none of which i can spend on school so you ask what will i do with all of the money
Well i would most likely invest it in the stock market and still some how go to school because without school you are limiting yourself and the knowledge you can attain
But i think that i would probably do hella shopping though because i have a shopping problem already so of that 80, 000 i would most likely spend about, 15,000 on clothes and shoes alone and i know that sounds terrible but knowing myself i would probably do that but i think this money would go in 1 of the 2 ways

1.doing missions work in Africa
I've always had a passion to do something big to help out a mass amount of people in a major way. i'm also a history and discovery channel fanatic so i've watched many documentaries on the horrors that the people of Africa face. It also made me open my eyes to the fact that just because in America people are free it doesn't mean that the world is free. And honestly that just burns me up inside like how can you live life knowing that you are a controlling factor in the part you play to end life. Making life worse for those who are so called beneath you! I just hate that I want to be the person to take a stand against the injustice over there. Because we all should be free and not let the color of our skin define a person within there social standing

2. Living lavishly
I know this is kind of a selfish way to live after getting the money. But I’m a person who likes nice things so if I have it why not live it up while I can. I would travel the world seeing the places I never seen before meeting different people and learning their culture. I mean that would be the most life changing thing for me to travel to exotic country’s to learn of their history and the ways of the people I think that would be most exciting!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Ok so here goes a few tips to keep you prospective RedBirds from tipping off the EDGE! 

1. Be open
My reason for saying this is because who ever you were in high school willnot matter once you get here. Its like another chance to evovle yourself into anything and anyone you would like to be. But you have to be open to the change and new people. Because the people here have no knowledge of who you are and what you are capable of. So coming here is like a fresh slate to become more of less of a person. When i got here i was really lost i didn't know who i would talk to but i knew that i had to come out of my shell and be able to speak to people. Becuase thats the only way i was going to meet new people and because i was open i'm very popular now. I know alot of people and that i know of all of them like me!

2. Be careful

Of coaurse college is full of wonderful people but with the good comes the bad. So with that you have to be careful of who you trust and who you let in your room and personal life. Because everyone does not have your best interest at heart. Some people have hidden agendas to do mean things so just be watchful. And don't trust your roommate to protect your things when you leave the room. Be responsible and lock your belongings up so you don't have to go through it blaming someone for stealing your stuff. And don't flaunt your money in front of people be secretive of important things like that. And please don’t tell all these people your business because everyone is not your friend. And they don’t have your best interest at heart. They could want to hurt you so get some real friends you can trust. They are like essential to being here!


3. Do your work

With college comes a whole knew found FREEDOM! And you can either master it or let it get the best of you! In college you are given sufficient time to do your work . so you must you take advantage of it and do what you’re supposed to when you are supposed to 

Friday, February 20, 2009

gOssIP gIrL!!!

Hey my fellow readers i mean if i even have any readers
Well my favorite show is about a bunch of rich prep school boys and girls that come from what the country calls old money which means that they have always been rich! but that’s not my main reason for watching the show because who wants to watch superficial school kids who get any thing they want argue with there parents about not getting there daily $5000 allowance? Well luckily this show is based off way more than that. They have a website that is sort of like face book to us and its called Gossip and anyone can post information about anyone anonymously (I don't even think i spelled that right lol. But that’s the whole juice of the show like its this one girl that narrorates the entire show and she seems to know everything about everyone. So it leaves the viewer wondering who she is and how could she possibly know all this information about everyone. And then the show becomes so twisted like take two of the main characters for example: Serena and Don the hottest couple they have been on and off for sometime and their parents used to date like back in the day. And recently Don's father just found out Serena's mother gave up a son that he was unaware of for adoption in Massachusetts so their two children have a brother in common so that means that they are kind of like committing in sexed seeing that they have had sex together. So then the children find out and as you can imagine this threatens their relationship and that is just one small part of this whole juicy show. There are so many other things that are going on in the show that make it a must see its on it second season so people there is still time you can still watch it and become another gossip girl junkie like me!! It come on the CW at 7 pm on Mondays and the new season starts on march 9, 2009. So go and become intrigued by the greatest show ever GOSSIP GIRL!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I must say the Ad that sticks out the most to me is the Trogan Ad for condoms 
displaying men as PIGS that don't use protection. 
I think it stuck out to me because i was so unconventional. Like pigs are disgusting why would any company want to display them in the same content as their product.
But when you se the bases of what  they are talking about it makes perfect sense. Because alot of guys these dayz try to have sex with out strapping up first and that is just a big NO NO.  i mean there are too many things that you risk by doing so like having a baby getting a STD! and in college or life for that matter neither on of those things are cool. 9

Monday, February 9, 2009

What a wild weekend

Well this entry is actually very late i had forgot all about it. But i have so mcuh to spill about this weekend it was crazy. Well my best-friend T'lisa called me Friday morning and said she was coming to my school for the weekend. can you say OUT OF THE BLUE!!!! MUCH but back to what i was saying that was a surprise . So this had to be the most busiest weekend of my life i didn't even have time to breath as i would say. So i did some hair that took me forever then i ran to go get the two tickeys for the Black Student Union Ball! Which i will say now is a waste of moeny i mean come on i wanted to dance not go to church not that there is anything wrogn with ist . But then we went to my best friend's Kazio's Surprise Birthday party and we had so much fun it was a nice night. But then while i was there my other two best friends called me and said that they were coming to stay the weekend!

Okay lets pause and review

That's three extra girls staying in my room and that just equaled disaster. My room was a mess and i had been cleaning up for like the wholw week and then they came in one day nad messed my whole room up!!! i was so pist and they broke my straightener which is how i make my money!!! i do hair on the side

But back to the story

So then T'lisa came in town first we picked her up and dropped her friend off to catch another bus then we went back to my place and was just chilling then we had to go to my best friend Kazio surprise birthday party. I mean it would have been nice if it really was a surprise but this fool already knew. But it still turned out to be a good time we danced, laughed and most of yall ate! I mean whats a part with out food right? So then it was a Que party after that so after Kazio party we all piled in the cars and went to that party. so the party was hopping and everyone was drunk good thing i don't drink. Cause i already be hyper i neve needed a stimulant to make me feel cool but anyway so my other two friends hadn't made it here yet. So we steady looking out for them so my friends leave me at the party to go and get them and now we all partying together and boy was it SO MUCH FUN! my friends walked in the party and it was like we turned that Boy out everyone was like who are they and I'm like a proud parent saying 
"Those are my friends lol " So all the guys where all over us we were the center of attention! and all my guy friends where like " Hook me up with your fine friend" I don't know why but i just felt so famous that night 

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm just gonna Talk

well lets see... so much has happened since i've came back to school well the top three are Classes

Social Scene

and Mary Kay!

so this semester i enrolled in seventeen courses!! what the heck was i thinking its soo hard but i think i'm going to do well in all my classes the only one that i'm not doing so well in at the moment is French but i thik if i give it a little more time and effort i can ace the class! i'm surprised that I'm getting 100% on my chemistry tests!!! its crazy it makes me feel so smart and when i feel like that i feel invincible like i can understand and do any kind of work i am given lol.

But anyway I also have bowling but thats second semester so i'm really happy about that because that is @ nine o'clock in the morning!!!! i hate early classes that's why i'm in this english class now because my first one was at 8 and i knew that i would not make it to that class that early! cause i stay up til atleast 1 every night i never get that much sleep which sucks. But now i actually love my new english class the teacher is nice and very personable

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well as you all know the inauguration was yesterday! Unfortunately I had class at the time but i ditched class to watch History in the making! I kinda missed some of it cause I didn't get into my room until like 11:30. I caught the middle of his speech and i believe this was what he said "Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met. " That caught my interest into looking into the inauguration a little bit more! But unlike everyone else i watched it on HNL and they had all day coverage . So i also caught when the reporter where asking speech expert how they thought President Obama did and most of them said he did great job except for certain things! And in my opinion Obama did a great job on his speech it was uplifting and inspirational. He took a firm stand when it came to patroitism and stated that we as a coutry were the greatest What i found was different about his speech was instead of stating the things he would like to get acccomplished. He actually told the people the things he was going to do and how he would achieve them. He was kinda nervous and stumbled throught the speech on one part but i can't rememer.

But this is the way the speech made me feel. I felt so honored to be living that day to see the first black president. i mean come on we just made HISTORY! Hopefully I'll live long enough to tell my grand kids and kids about it! I'm hoping that it won't be the last minority president because this just shows how our country is advancing and overcoming our past and moving forward and past the racial barriers that once plagued us as a people. I actucally think that Obama iS THE CHANGE that we as a country neede and i hope that he can bring us out of this recession and make America the GREAT country that it once was! And hopefully we can move forward in all walks of life and be come one as a country!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chantel 101

Well to introduce myself my full name is Jacquese Chantel Martin!! And I am one of the most energetic people you'll ever meet. Ok I'm new to this whole blogging thing but i want to make this as interesting as possible so I'm gonna do this in Three Sections: The Good, The Bad,
Now for The Good

I'm a person that enjoys writing so i write stories sometime but i write poetry alot its kinda like my second voice! I also enjoy singing I'm not a great singer but i'm pretty good i like incorporating singing into my poetry. I also enjoy dancing I started ballet at the age of four i learned how to tap dance and tumble. I absolutely loved it I found it to be a release and then all of a sudden my mom took me out of it. When i was about 11 yrs old I was so pissed but i got over it! I started dancing in church and it wasn't all the thrill ballet. But it was still a release so i took solace in it and did well in it and then i stopped doing that at 17.. But then started again its kinda on and off these days. Another interesting fact is i have 4 best friends and they are all my sisters!!! I love my family so much they make life barable for me! I also like working in groups i think it makes everything easier. But college proved that i was wrong things can be very difficult in groups.I'm a good Leader so that make's it all the more better. But that's enough of the good!

Now The bad :-(
I really don't have much bad.. well i do i just don't want to share it all. I'm not that good at relationships. I hate when people yell at me it really gets me heated. I can sometimes think that my opnion is the best and not want to listen to other people's input. And sometimes I can be shallow and i feel really bad afterwards but hey thats life i guess.

Well that's all about me!